Formative Assessment Foldable Coming Soon

We’re working on modifications that will make this resource more accessible to users. Please check back periodically for updates.

The Formative Assessment Foldable is a practical resource that offers research-based strategies throughout a formative assessment cycle. It addresses each stage of the process, from clarifying language and learning prior to the lesson, to eliciting evidence of student learning, to acting on evidence and considering student assets to move instruction forward.

The Foldable focuses on formative assessment as a four-cycle process. Each part of the cycle describes a critical component of the process and includes: 

  • Ideas for observable evidence of each formative assessment stage for students and teachers
  • Real-life classroom snapshots for implementation
  • Considerations for EL/MLs at any proficiency level


Each page of the Foldable can be used in isolation for ideas about individual components, or all together to see the entire formative assessment process in action. In addition, this resource can be used as an intentional planning tool, a focus in a professional learning community (PLs), or to self-evaluate one's use of formative assessment.

This highly portable resource is an essential tool for helping educators use formative assessment to meet the needs of all students, while providing a lifeline for English/Multilingual Learners in the formative assessment process.


Created for: 
K-12 Classroom Teachers, English Language Development Specialists, Literacy Specialists, Instructional Coaches, Administrators, State Education Agencies, Higher Education Teacher Preparation Programs


11 x 8.5 (folded), 33 x 8.5 (unfolded) Soft-Touch Paper Trifold




© 2023 Regents of the University of California. You may not modify, reproduce, or distribute this resource without permission from UCLA CRESST.