The Differentiating for English Learners/Multilingual Learners Poster helps identify student performance in all four language domains and provides strategies for scaffolding instruction and assessment, meeting EL/ML where they are and strategically moving them towards full language proficiency.
Strategies are organized by the four language domains: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Each domain includes performance descriptors, instructional, and assessment strategies. English language proficiency levels correspond to various state assessments, measuring language acquisition at any given time. Stages of acquisition are fluid and language proficiency is relative in each domain.
Poster includes:
- Performance Descriptors: Highlighting what students know and can do with language at each proficiency level within each domain. These tools help guide teachers’ instruction of English language content
- Instruction: Strategies to use during instruction to ensure academic language and content is comprehensible and that EL/MLs at each proficiency level can access rigorous, grade-level instruction
- Assessment: Strategies to allow EL/MLs to demonstrate what they know and can do with language in content-area instruction based on their language proficiency level
Developed by teachers, for teachers, this resource is a lifeline for scaffolding instruction and assessment for EL/MLs.
Created for:
K-12 Classroom Teachers, English Language Development Specialists, Literacy Specialists, Instructional Coaches, State Education Agencies, Higher Education Teacher Preparation Programs
24” x 36” Glossy Poster Paper
© 2023 Regents of the University of California. You may not modify, reproduce, or distribute this resource without permission from UCLA CRESST.