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UCLA CRESST for MLs implements a For Educators, By Educators approach to instructional resource development, bringing the voices of English/Multilingual learner educators to life through the resources we create and share. These resources are designed to support educators who work with EL/MLs and enable them to drastically improve outcomes for English and Multilingual learners and their families.
We are proud to share our collective work and value the positive changes you are bringing to the multilingual leaders of tomorrow.
Professional Learning Workshops
These interactive online professional learning workshops will help educators develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to provide ELP Standards based instruction, differentiated for students at a variety of proficiency levels, through progress monitoring aimed at maximizing the success of English/Multilingual learners.

Differentiating Instruction for EL/MLs Flipbook
The Differentiating Instruction for EL/MLs Flipbook is an evergreen resource containing eight high-leverage strategies scaffolded for low, medium, and high language proficiency levels that are designed for immediate application. It also includes access to a free digital download for refillable strategy templates.
Educators will gain access to strategies modeled through a variety of targeted language skills, content area examples, design variations, and assessment considerations.

Formative Assessment Foldable
The Formative Assessment Foldable is a practical resource that offers formative assessment strategies throughout a formative assessment cycle. This resource demonstrates the critical components of formative assessment and ideas for implementation for EL/ML students at a variety of proficiency levels.

Differentiating for English Learners/Multilingual Learners Poster
The Differentiating for English/Multilingual Learners Poster helps identify student performance in all four language domains and provides strategies for scaffolding instruction and scaffolding assessment, meeting EL/ML learners where they are, and strategically moving them towards full language proficiency.

English/Multilingual Learner Educator Toolkit
**Digital Download**
The English/Multilingual Learner Educator Toolkit is a foundational resource designed to address a variety of EL/ML challenges in language and content area classroom settings. The resources included in this digital download support high-quality, data-informed instruction and assessment for EL/ML students.

English/Multilingual Learner Toolkit: Newcomer Supplement
**Digital Download**
Designed for teachers with English and Multilingual learners who are classified as newcomers, the English/Multilingual Learner Toolkit: Newcomer Supplement supports high-quality, data-informed instruction and assessment. This digital download is focused on newcomers and is meant to enhance the information provided in the EL/ML Educator Toolkit 1.0.

Differentiating Instruction for EL/MLs Flipbook Templates
**Digital Download**
These free templates are only available to individuals who have already received a purchased copy of the Differentiating Instruction for EL/MLs Flipbook.
As a complement to the Differentiating Instruction for EL/MLs Flipbook, these templates offer a seamless way to recreate and implement the tried-and-true strategies found in this resource.